Brands We Love

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We offer convenient payment methods to our sellers. Once we’ve agreed on a price and received your cartridges, we process payments promptly. Our standard method is through bank transfer, ensuring a secure and swift transaction. However, we can discuss alternative arrangements if necessary.
Filling in the form is simple, in fact it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3:
- Simply fill in your contact details
- Add details of your required toner cartridges
- Add any comments or additional needs
- Click the submit button and our friendly team will be in touch.
If your struggling with the form feel free to call one of our friendly and reliable team on 020 3488 0410
We pay well and pay fast, we process payment through multiple methods. We always try to process and make payment within 1 working days of receiving your toner
Bank Transfer
Both new and returning customers can pay via BACS (Bankers Automated Clearing System). This means payment for cartridges will be transferred directly into your bank account.
Name of Bank/Building Society
Branch Sort Code
Bank/Building Society Account Number
Account Name
PayPal is considered one of the safest ways to send and receive money online. You can receive payment for items through PayPal provided you have an email address.
Your cheque will be sent directly to you in the post within 5 working days from us receiving the cartridge.
Brother cartridge numbers are very straightforward to find, they are printed in large letters/numbers on the front of the box. The picture on the right shows the cartridge as being a TN-04BK. The BK stands for Black.
You may also find your cartridge has other letters following the cartridge number. C will show the cartridge is Cyan (blue); the cartridge number would then be TN-04C. M will show the cartridge is Magenta (pink); the cartridge number would then be TN-04M. Y will show the cartridge is Yellow; the cartridge number would then be TN-04Y.
Canon cartridge numbers are very straightforward to find, they are printed on the front of the box. The picture below shows the cartridge as being a C-EXV21 Black (the colour behind the cartridge number deciphers the colour of the cartridge).
Canon would show a blue background behind the cartridge number if the cartridge were Cyan. It would show a pink background behind the cartridge number if the cartridge were Magenta. It would show a yellow background behind the cartridge number if the cartridge were Yellow.